Monday, August 25, 2008

Summermuxtape !

Since the excellent was taken down by the RIAA yesterday, I thought it was a good time to post some of my favorite summer tunes:

  • Tricky - Veronika
    Probably the best track on his newest album, which is worth listening too. It's a return to his trip-hop roots, and I can't help but wondering what Massive Attack would sound like if he was still in it.

  • Cat Power - Hate
    It took a while before I could sit through the latest Cat Power album (The Greatest). The cover art belongs in the deepest bowels of hell, and at a first listen, all the songs sound pretty much the same. How wrong I was, and I stand corrected.

  • Gnarls Barkley - Blind Mary
    It's okay, Cee-Lo. I love Blind Mary too. God forbid you should release this as a single, instead of the mediocre Run.

  • Portishead - Threads
    Although not really a kick-back, hats-off summer song by definition, it surely is a powerful end track. I think. I'm always so unsure.

  • Wilco - Impossible Germany
    You think the melody is nice, wait until the guitar solo at the end.

  • Beirut - Napoleon on the Bellerophon
    Lights out.

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